Update: In June 2015, Microsoft acquired Wunderlist. In mid-2020, this app was shut down and removed from app stores. You can import your Wunderlist content into Microsoft’s To-Do app.

Wunderlist iPhone App Review

Until I was bored to take a look at what’s hot on the App Store. From somewhere, this app called Wunderlist shows up, and I am suddenly excited to try it out. It’s been a week since I started using the app and my relationship with the app has been like the affairs of celebrities: now on, now off. On repeat mode.


Multiple task listsOnline sync with offline supportEasy task additions and editsQuick access to starred tasks, today’s tasks, overdueSwipe-gestures for task edits and deletingReminders


Everyone starts off with the Pros but I’ll start with the Con because that’s the only turn off with an otherwise amazing app. It doesn’t sync with my Google account. Darn, right? That’s the only problem with this app but if the makers of Wunderlist (Wunderkinder) would tell you that they’ve got a website where it gets synced and from where you can manage things. Not for much. I still prefer Google tasks to anything else, so Wunderlist is one step short of awesome. But other than that, every little thing about Wunderlist is lovable. Basically, everything you need on a task list.

Design: A Plus

The way Wunderlist is designed is something special. In a world where the design elements are getting flattered and one-dimensional (think of Windows’s redesigned logo), Wunderlist embraces simplicity whilst bringing some really aesthetic appeal to the whole app. The backgrounds are what I liked the most besides the ease with which I could learn to use the app.

What It Could’ve Had

When you create a task, it takes a couple of extra steps to create reminders and due-dates for the task. Now, this is all too common with all task-based approaches (as against a due-date-based approach like TeuxDeux) so the benefit of commonality goes with Wunderlist. I’d still love it if it were easier to create a reminder alert right when I created a task. And of course, Google Sync. Overall The app’s pretty good and if you’re not as much bothered about syncing them to an account that you have elsewhere, Wunderlist is a pretty good app for task lists. Ratings:

Overall: 4.5/5Interface: 4/5Functionality: 4.5/5Features: 4/5Usability: 5/5

Download Now! Note: Wunderlist shut down on May 6, 2020 That’s all! Give it a try and share your feedback with us in the comment below. Wish to catch up with more such articles?