Even though the process seems to be straightforward, at times, it doesn’t go as per the expected line. But thanks to a nifty little trick, removing the existing phone number from iMessage and switching to a new one is pretty simple. Let me help you perfectly set up your new number for iMessaging!

How to Change the iMessage Phone Number on iPhone

Step #1. Insert the New SIM and Turn off iMessage: The first thing you need to do is insert the new SIM and turn OFF iMessage. To do so: head over to Settings → scroll down and tap on Messages → switch OFF iMessage.

Besides, you can also go to Settings → FaceTime section and turn off FaceTime. It will remove your phone number.

The reason you’re disabling it is so as to re-send SMS activation for iMessage, which tells Apple your new number. Sticky note: Just in case, the phone number you want to remove is set on the iPhone that is currently not accessible to you, change the password of your Apple ID. It will get rid of the phone number from all of your synced iDevices like iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Step #2. Power down and wait: Usually, people jump to step #3 from here and it works. But for a good measure, power down your device and wait for about 5 minutes before proceeding to the next step. Step #3. Edit your phone number detail: Once you’ve rebooted the iPhone, check if Phone number details on your iPhone reflect the new number. They usually do but just to be sure. Go to Settings → Phone and make sure “My Number” reflects your new number. If not, edit this.

Also, make sure the time & date settings in your iPhone are set to automatic. (They can be found in Settings → General → Date & Time) Step #4. Turn On iMessage again: Now, just head over to the Messages settings and turn on iMessage.

This should usually send an SMS to Apple’s servers. (it happens in the background). iMessage should be activated now for the new number. How to check this? Next step. Step #5. Check ‘Send & Receive As’ In the “Send & Receive” section, you should see your new number ticked and grayed out. If this field is empty or has your old number, it means the process did not go as expected and you’ll need to repeat it.

If it shows your new number, you’re set. That’s pretty much it! Hopefully, the trick has helped you easily set up the new phone number for your iMessaging. Having tried it on quite a few occasions, I can vouch for its veracity. However, I’d love to have your feedback about it and whether or not it clicked for you. Catch up with the following posts as well:

Best iMessage Alternatives for iPhone and iPad How to Send Voice Messages on iPhone and iPad How to Create a Poll in iMessage Group Chat on iPhone and iPad

What’s the one improvement you’d like to see in iMessage? Share your feedback with us in the comment box.

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